
Kings Academy offers a wealth of enrichment activities and opportunities for all students. Enrichment at Kings is intended to be diverse allowing everyone to flourish and be supported to grow and thrive in the various aspects of their life.

Students are encouraged to participate in the wider school curriculum and take advantage of the opportunities on offer. Our wide-ranging programme of activities, societies, events, and trips allow our students to find alternative avenues of interest to explore and enjoy. By becoming involved in extra-curricular activities, we hope that their enjoyment of school life will be enhanced, and personal skills will be developed. Everyone has strengths and interests that should be encouraged to grow and flourish giving self- confidence and wellbeing.

As a Church of England school everyone is encouraged ‘to live life in all its fullness’ John 10:10, celebrating the different skills and interests we all have.

We aim to provide our students with the opportunities to help students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts during after school enrichment. We have a purpose of positive and engaging activities that allow students to participate and improve both their mental and physical wellbeing.

Kings’ annually holds a Charity Week and is a common highlight of the school year, organised and run by our student senior team. Thousands of pounds are raised every year for three key charities selected by students: a local, national, and international charity. Education and awareness of these charities is delivered by the student senior team and House Captains via House assemblies and themed weeks throughout the year. Through extensive planning and courageous advocacy our senior students organise a theme for the week and a comprehensive week of fun events; scheduled during break and lunchtimes for all students and staff to actively participate in.

Each House also links annually to a charity of their choice and various house fundraising events are promoted by students and staff through themed weeks and themed days to raise awareness for our students such as Anti – Bullying week and World Mental Health Awareness Day.

Here at Kings the spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing of all students and staff is considered very important, and sport being linked to obtaining and maintaining a positive mindset is encouraged. In addition to the timetabled Physical Education curriculum, we offer an extensive extracurricular programme of physical activities for our students throughout the different terms, and a discounted Gym Membership is offered for students and staff at The King Leisure centre.

Kings offers an extensive programme of trips and visits throughout the school year. These are predominately run by Faculty and Subject areas. Trips have an educational focus but also provide spiritual, moral, social, cultural, and emotional development for our students. We also have visiting speakers and visiting faith communities. Our school has a link with the Watoto church and children’s choir who are hosted by the school and Church community.

Various wellbeing events and initiatives are actively underway at Kings for both students and staff. Our Student Welfare Team, who are in the Student Welfare Inclusion Unit, regularly meet with students who need additional emotional support and liaise with our Heads of House and, if necessary, external agencies of support. Sixth form Peer listeners are also available and have been actively seen around school in their blue t-shirts. Our Rising Stars Programme is also a great success with Sixth Form students attending, supporting and being a regular presence in our lower school lessons. Our extended tutor time every Friday also provides opportunity to address important welfare issues and pastoral support.