
Sociology will change the way that you look at the world forever.

The social science of Sociology is concerned with explaining the social world. It studies the institutions of societies and evaluates the impact that they have. You will develop an understanding of a number of key sociological theories and will be able to apply these to a range of different debates, from why some young people commit deviant acts, to why it is that some social groups are less equal than others.

Sociology will change the way that you look at the world forever. It will enable you to interrogate the world around you, and you will never again quietly accept what you are told.

Sociology develops your analytical and evaluative skills. It is the perfect springboard for any subject that requires these skills.

You will study three components at A Level. Each component comprises two sections. Each component focuses on a specific sociological issue or skill and explores the differing theoretical approaches
to these.

There is a misconception that studying Sociology will only lead to a career in social work. Whilst this is one route a Sociology student might take, it is only one of many. The many skills you will develop will make you an ideal candidate for a myriad of careers including Journalism, Law, Human Resources, Advertising, Business and Industry, Education, Nursing and many more.

GCSE Grade 5 or above in English Language and GCSE Grade 5 or above in at least one other ‘written’ subject. Success in Sociology is heavily dependent on high quality writing skills.