Christianity at Kings
Christian Ethos
Kings Academy is an outstanding Church of England school which is proud of its Christian character and ethos. Built on an ancient Christian site adjacent to an Anglo-Saxon palace and chapel, the historical links to Kingship, Christianity and learning are distinctive and unique qualities that form part of the past, present and future fabric of the school community.
All members of the Academy and the Wessex Learning Trust are encouraged to share and participate in the vision to ‘Believe and succeed’ where all are given the opportunity to flourish and achieve their potential.
Jesus’ message of ‘living life in all its fullness’ John 10:10 is promoted by the school values the ‘Kings principles of PRIDE’ and through a varied and broad curriculum; with the aim for everyone to be the best they can be socially, academically, and spiritually. An environment of trust is established where students and staff endeavour to share in the school vision to persevere and accomplish their aspirations.
“Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe”
John 20:29
The Academy strives to care, nurture, and empower; it recognises and values everyone from all backgrounds and faith. It lives and works through a known and overt set of Christian values ‘Kings principles of PRIDE’ which are pivotal to the day-to-day workings of the Academy. Members of our learning community share the experience of Christian worship, learn about Christianity and other religious and secular viewpoints. Individuals are respected and can develop their own thoughts and character in a supportive and caring environment; each having the freedom to contemplate different perspectives to make their own informed choice about their actions and faith.
Theme of the Week
Each week at The Kings Academy a new key theme is introduced to students and staff. The theme is designed to fit with events that are taking place at The Kings Academy and the wider world. Links are explicitly made to Christian belief and practice, and the school values ‘Kings principles of PRIDE’ as well as other faith perspectives and secular approaches. Assemblies, curriculum events and the tutor programme are designed to enrich students in their learning and spiritual development.
Students engage with the theme and are encouraged to have ‘think’ time, allowing for philosophical enquiry, quiet reflection, and spiritual contemplation.
Literacy is also strengthened by having a word of the week which is considered within the context of the weekly theme and often linked together allowing students and staff to have discussion around keywords and themes of the week.
Our Chaplain
Our Chaplain Ruth Motion joined us in October 2019 as part of the Pastoral Team. Ruth spends most of her time in school listening to individual students, counselling, mentoring, and helping both staff and students. Students are regularly mentored by Ruth for all sorts of different reasons, including anxiety, exam stress, bereavement, problems with friendship groups, faith issues and many more. She is easily spotted around the school in her brightly coloured tie-dye tops.
The Chaplain also organises the visiting speakers who come in to lead collective worship at The Kings Academy weekly. These times of collective worship are mainly led by local clergy, who support in leading worship and prayer support. Ruth also leads the church services, which every student attends for Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, and Easter.
Assemblies & Worship
The Kings’ Academy students have an opportunity to engage in Christian worship, philosophical thought and spiritual reflection every day, whether that be through scheduled collective worship, house assemblies or tutor time activities.
Acts of collective worship are conducted in Houses (Avalon, Camelot, Lyonesse and Tintagel) and are planned and delivered by local church leaders and lay leaders from different Christian denominations. Students attend St Andrew’s Church at key times in the Christian calendar, with special services being held to commemorate Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter, and Ascension. Kings’ students contribute to these church services through narration, drama, art, and music, and also by showing reverence.
Assemblies are delivered by Kings’ teaching staff, guest speakers and sometimes students. These are purposeful formal gatherings with an academic, pastoral, or moral focus. The focus is linked to the school curriculum and environment, world issues and current events. Every assembly provides an opportunity for worship, whether it be a Christian pause for thought or a moment of reflection.
Every act of collective worship, assembly and tutor time aims is to provide a learning experience that encourages social, moral, cultural, and spiritual development characteristic of the school Christian ethos, encompassing the school values ‘Kings principles of PRIDE’ uniting and celebrating the school community.
At the end of every term the whole school comes together to give thanks, praise and recognition of the endeavours and achievements of students, staff, and members of the Kings’ community. The student Senior Team and House Captains deliver the assembly, giving rewards to those who have achieved in different areas of their school and community life, with musical interludes from both student and staff bands and choir. Celebration and thanks are given by the School Leadership Team and offered through Christian dialogue and prayer by a Foundation Governor or the School Chaplain. Coming together as a united body allows everyone to be acknowledged and valued; instilling pride to ‘believe and succeed.’