Our House System
Here at The Kings Academy, we operate a House system that creates a sense of pride, belonging, and togetherness, and evokes some healthy competition amongst students and staff.
As a Pastoral Team, we are passionate about developing the whole learner. We aim to deliver an outstanding and enthusiastic house system that values and nurtures each other. We aim to provide first-class pastoral care, whilst ensuring that we equip students with the opportunities to be ambitious and to feel positive. Ensuring that our students are being encouraged and supported by the belief of staff, parents, carers, and the community.
We aim to ensure that character development and learner leadership are at the forefront of what we do here at The Kings Academy, and we strive to ensure that our learners are growing in belief, confidence, responsibility, and pride. These principles are at the forefront of our daily delivery to ensure that our learners demonstrate respect, pride, resilience, and passion for their learning and kindness.
We encourage our learners to challenge themselves daily to make exceptional progress and development at The Kings Academy. Students are provided with the opportunity to represent their house in a wide range of activities including inter-house competitions. The vast selection of events reflects our intention to make our house system holistic and engaging; we aim to give everyone the chance to shine. We encourage our students to lead active, fulfilled, and healthy lifestyles to ensure they are forever growing and aspiring.
We are very proud of the House System at The Kings Academy and aim to make every member of our community feel that they have a sense of belonging and pride when representing The Kings Academy.
By Mr J Caulfield
Assistant Headteacher – Pastoral, Inclusion and Welfare