Exam and Assessment Information

2023/2024 Public Exam Information

Students should be aware of the following documents which are produced by the JCQ

Information for Candidates – Coursework – 2023-2024

Information for Candidates – Non Examination Assessments 2023-2024

Information for Candidates – On-Screen Tests 2023-2024

Information for Candidates – Written Exams 2023-2024

Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice 2022 – 2023

Information for Candidates – Social Media 2022 – 2023

Exam Regulations

Please note that SMARTWATCHES have now joined mobile phones, iPods and MP3/4 players on the list of ‘potential technological/web enabled sources of information’ that are classified as ‘unauthorised items’ and must, therefore, not be brought into any exam. Possession of such items in a public exam is deemed as a ‘serious offence’ by all exam boards and will typically result in disqualification if found in the student’s possession during an exam.

Further Information

The following exam boards are used by the school. More information can be found on their websites by following the links below:





Grade Information